Vagarthaviva sampriktau vagarthah pratipattaye
Jagatah pitarau vande parvathiparameshwarau
- I worship Parvati and Parameshwara, the parents of the world, who are inseparable, just like a word and its sense, in order to guide me in acquiring the right understanding of words and their meanings.
- This is the opening sloka in divine poet Kalidasa’s Raghuvamsam, a sanskrit epic (Mahākāvya) consisting of 1,564 stanzas describing the lineage of kings of the Raghu dynasty (ancestors of Sri Rama).
- The literal interpretation of this Shloka is that it is a prayer by Kalidasa, addressed to deities Lord Shiva and Parvathi, seeking their blessings for proficieny in literature as he begins the epic Raghuvamsa.
A content enrichment programme in science and mathematics for secondary school teachers
A programme designed to make joyful learning of science through exciting hands on activities for teachers, students (from 8th standard to 12th standard) and B.Ed classes
A Programme designed to understand Mathematics through Origami for secondary school teachers, students (from 8th standard to 12th standard) & B.Ed Trainees
A programmes that is designed for B.Ed trainees which is directed not only towards content enrichment but also help them to acquire necessary skill set to enable them to become effective classroom teachers
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