What is Sadodita?
Sadodita (सदोदित) refers to the “ever manifest (resonance)”, according to Abhinavagupta’s Tantrāloka verse 3.247-249 and 250cd-251ab.—Accordingly
“(Consciousness) is reflective awareness, and so its spontaneous and ever manifest (sadodita) resonance is called the great supreme, Heart.
The self-awareness, in the Heart (from which) all things have fallen away, present in the first and last moment of perception is called, according to the (Spanda) teachings the universal vibration of consciousness and is the outpouring of consciousness within one's own nature

Why Sadodita?
- Just like constant fusion inside the sun illuminates the whole universe, The man who disburse knowledge should always be in constant refinement of his learning
- In our ancient Indian Knowledge System Teacher is refered as guru as more than someone who teaches specific type of knowledge, and includes in its scope someone who is also a "counselor, a sort of parent of mind (Citta) and Self (Atman), who helps mold values (Yamas and Niyamas) and experiential knowledge as much as specific knowledge
- Guru or Teacher is an exemplar in life, an inspirational source and who reveals the meaning of life.

Quality of Teaching
- INDIA is witnessing a paradigm shift in its approach towards teacher education in particular and the teaching learning process in general through the National Education Policy 2020
- NEP 2020 clearly states that only the very best and most learned become teachers. The high respect for teachers and the high status of the teaching profession must be restored so as to inspire the best to enter the teaching profession.
- The motivation and empowerment of teachers is required to ensure the best possible future for our children and our nation

Teacher Empowerment
- The quality of teacher education, recruitment, deployment, service conditions, and empowerment of teachers are being restructured to meet the set standards and benchmarks
- The 21st Century learners are not geographically distinguished but have a global perspective therefore the need of the hour is teacher empowerment.
- It has become a vital importance and mandatory for all in the fraternity of teaching to scale up education of the 21st Century

The programme will focus on secondary school content enrichment in
- Science
- Mathematics
- Social Science
- Communication

B.Ed Colleges
Vagartha has collaborated with several B.Ed colleges to provide a content enrichment programme.
Subjects offered
Target Group
B.Ed Students
Number of Sessions
01 per subject
Class Duration
01 Hour
Programme Duration
03 Months in each Semester

B.Ed Trainees
Students pursuing B.Ed programme can individually opt for the programme
Special batches will be created for the individual aspirants and will be trained at our premises
Subjects offered
Target Group
B.Ed Students
Number of Sessions
01 per subject
Class Duration
01 Hour
Programme Duration
03 Months in each Semester

Inservice Teachers
Teachers of various schools will be given special orientation programmes to enhance and update their skills
Practicing Teachers can be up-to-date with the latest teaching methodologies through our regular orientation programmes
Programmes will be organized in collaboration with the schools and also individually for interested teachers at our premises
Subjects offered
Target Group
B.Ed Students
Number of Sessions
01 per subject
Class Duration
01 Hour
Programme Duration
03 Months in each Semester