Fun With Science

Physics school experiments play a crucial role in motivation of students.

From the pedagogical constructivist point of view it is important to select appropriate physics school experiments.

Combinations of motivational teaching techniques result in an upgrading of students' motivation for physics education .

Simple experiments

  • Research findings show that the cognitive motivational teaching techniques based on physics experiments like Demonstrating simple experiments and toys , Watching films, Video programmes and using computers (ICT) ,Experiencing humour in physics strongly affect the students. School physics experiments, especially simple experiments have a high motivational impact .

Why Simple experiments?

  • Simple experiments are the source of strong motivation because they can activate cognitive needs such as problem solving
  • Satisfy the needs of our senses and kinesthetic activity .
  • Profitable in education as they do not require complex and expensive equipment and students can perform them in class and at home.

SHIKSHASHILPI - Teacher Training Programme -

is a programme which is meticulously designed to make the learning of science joyfull. The programme is conducted for secondary school teachers in which working models are prepared by them using the materials provided to them under the guidance of an instructor. The content of the workshops are very much aligned with the state board, ICSE and CBSE syllabus.


The training session will adopt a hands on and minds on approach to make learning experiential and process oriented.


1 Day

Number of Working Models that will be prepared by the teacher


Resouce Person

Mr. Anandram

SHIKSHASHILPI - Student Training Programme :

is a programme which is meticulously designed to make the learning of science joyfull. The programme is conducted for secondary school students in which working models are prepared by them using the materials provided to them under the guidance of an instructor. The content of the workshops are very much aligned with the state board, ICSE and CBSE syllabus.


The training session will adopt a hands on and minds on approach to make learning experiential and process oriented.


1 Day

Group Size


Number of Working Models that will be prepared by the teacher


Resouce Person

Mr. Anandram